You’re Engaged!

Huge congratulations!!! It’s such a wonderful feeling isn’t? emotions all over the place feeling like you’re in one big loved up bubble? I still get all warm and fuzzy thinking back to the morning when my Mr proposed to me, it was so lovely. That’s been almost two years now and I’m very much in the throes of planning.

If you were to read my post about tips for the Newly Engaged” it’s one written by someone who was just perched on the top of something so much bigger.

So let’s update it!

Then: Well for starters set up a wedding only email, this is sooooo handy as when you start messaging companies/venues and all the other vendors it’s great to have them all in one place not getting lost or forgotten.

Now: Yes! Do this! You will want somewhere safe to put all the communications with suppliers and venues, Its so handy. If you don’t want to do that then make a folder in your current email, it saves so much time when you need to pull out a price list or re-print an invoice.

Then: The budget, this is an important one, everyone loves a wedding and wants it to be memorable but don’t go into a marriage with debt. And this is where the email comes in handy, for all those quotes you’ll be after.

Now: Still just as important, but this can be hard to do if you don’t know the cost of things. For example, Venues vary a lot in price depending on what you want and what you can afford, I’ve typed this topic out and deleted it again just trying to think of the best and quickest examples to give you, so you have an idea of costs. Yes you can do a wedding for under £5000 you will have to shop around but it’s doable. Hotels such as Ryde Castle and Lakeside offer good deals on wedding packages, Ryde Castle starts at £999* and Lakeside around £3750*… I’d say the biggest costs would be the venue and photographer, with photographer’s prices between £700 and £2000, you can find cheaper but do your homework. Social media really is your best friend, you will find the same names suggested time and time again there is a very good reason for this. Venues and photographers are the two things I booked as soon as I could. The good ones go quickly.

Then: A drafting of the guest list, while your wedding may be a while off, when we did this ourselves it became clear that we need a venue to hold a biggish amount, so no dreams dashed once walking around and finding out that venue only holds x amount.

Now: This will change so much other the course of your engagement but it’s still a really good thing to do, places to tend to have a max capacity for the ceremony but the reception more are allowed. There are a few venues on the island that only hold around 50 so it’s helpful to have rough numbers as it saves you looking at smaller venues.

Then: Picking a date, working out what month you want to wed will be handy as to when you really need to get on the ball with picking a venue, these and photographers tend to booked up well in advance especially for those summer months! – June July and August. Also, prices go up a smidge more for peak times. So, put that as a factor in your budget.

Now: I still suggest this one as well nothing add. Apart from if you know you want certain place or person book it as soon as you can.

Then: Always be on the same page. I’ve always believed that it’s the groom’s day as much as the bride. So when it comes to hosting one of the biggest events of your lives, be sure that its full of you both.

Now: My Mr has been super helpful, he’s been a part of the whole planning process. What I’ve loved most is all thesemonths he’s listened to me waffle on and then in those moments when we’re talking with a supplier he’ll mention something I’ve said and has had his own input on things, after all its our day so he can add and take as many things as I do.

Have fun!! Enjoy this and all the best with planning!!

*Image credits; top to bottom
Abigail Steed Photography
Oscar May The Occasion

Holly Cade photography
Adam Jervis photography

Wedding trends for 2017

It feels just like yesterday I was doing the same post about trends for 2016! How quickly a year passes!

So happy new year, I truly hope this year is filled with more laughter, more smiles and lots of happiness!

Heres just a snippet of what 2017 has in store

Colours: Pantone have named their 2017 colour  “Greenery” as colour of choice. And it’s already made its way into the trends of 2017.

Themes: This year seems to be about the world around us. Foliage in all its glory, be that woodland or tropical, marble and watercolours seem to be firm favourites.

Décor: There are some “here to stay” items such as jars, burlap and hessian that rustic look has a firm footing for weddings. Something a little different and that’s industrial style, so think cooper colour vases, venues with bare walls and simply decorated with globe/cadged string lights, metal candle holders, folding wooden chairs and even the use of little concrete items, such as plants holders.

Flowers: It looks as though just having greenery is going to be the bouquet choice,  it may seem a little lacking in the colour department but you can have a fab arrangement of different greens and the use of textures such as succulents, herbs, palms and grasses do a make a stunning combination, but also cascading bouquets look set to make a comeback.  


Treats: Out goes (it would look like) the sweet buffets and in are cake tables, one big wedding cake isn’t quite enough these days, growing in popularity is having multiple cakes… more cake in my eyes is most welcome. Doughnuts! I saw plenty of these last year as go to options, they come in so many flavours, styles and toppings I think they are a great choice! The last few years naked cakes have been widely popular, but i think this next trend will become very popular, made hot by Anges de sucres these drippy cakes can be done any whichway you want! nothing is off limits, anything you like! Have a sweet that does it for you why not have that for decoration? Like macaroons have those adorn the side, heck even have popcorn or biscuits… I could go on and on, but go and have a browse on Pinterest and you’ll see something that you’ll like!.

But of course, whatever your style, interest or likes bring that into your big day!
Happy wedding planning!
Sharon xxx