Aqua Crush

Good Afternoon!!
A lovely day here on the Isle, The sun is shining and everything is so bright and happy.
Its days like today that bring the wanting of spending long days on the beach closer, there is still a slight nip in the air but you can feel the warmth building!!

So as ever my board is inspired by things i see or by something that triggers a happy feeling, so today I bring you – which will be most likely the first of many for the summer season – A beach vibe!!

The Solent is like a perfect mood ring, the shades that it turns depending on the weather can be amazing, from deep, dark and moody greys, or spritely misty pale blues to almost crystal clear with a hint of an Aqua tone that would be more accustom to those luxury beaches of Hawaii

The palette:
Blues – all shades of blue, with hints of cream and even a splash of soft pink.

Setting the scene/decoration:
If only there were a few more locations that were right on the beach, One place I know really well is of is of course The Priory Bay Hotel, currently has its own hut in which you can be married, again the closet you can be to getting married with sand between your toes.
Pale blue table runners, with perhaps a scattering of a few pretty shells, hurricane lamps with candles ,drift boards to be used as table numbers or bottles filled with paper to write messages for the couple and doubled up by numbers painted on as an added idea for table planning.

The Dress: Something ocean inspired, something with many layers, some netting perhaps? Some shimmer in there also, Add sparkle to the top part almost to create that simmer as the sun dances on the sea.

The Shoes: Once again adding my favourite flash of colours, a pair of bright aqua heels would be perfectly fitting should you be going down this route. A sandal style also to bring in the calm and relaxed vibe.

The flowers: The mixture of the blue, white and pink I think work really well, they’re not the beachiest flowers but I love the softness and gentle look of them.

The Invites: the ombre style to these invite I find really lovely, much like the sea, it changes depending where you are standing when looking across it, and think that works here to. Bright and clean I think works for this theme.

The Cake: Again opted for the ombre technic. Again clean and simple but quite the focal point at the reception.

Beach inspired venues on the isle of wight :-
Priory Bay
Osborne House
The Gerorge Hotel
The Boathouse
Three Bouys



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